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I would love to provide my Tabula Rasa © storybooks to teachers:


As a fun class project:




As a collaborative fundraising effort:


Teachers and students are able to co-design the artwork of their class Tabula Rasa © storybooks, and to then sell as a fundraiser to support their class (supplies, class trips, etc.).


Teachers and parents have the freedom to choose the sales price of their classroom storybooks.


If you choose to use these storybooks as a platform for fundraising (and I hope that it provides an effective, authentic fundraising method to support your class):


  • I can provide 30 storybooks for you and your classroom, as samples to collect orders with*;


  • Each student contributes artwork for the teacher or parent to then scan to their computer, print on standard 3 ½ x 5 inch plain white shipping labels (or as 3 ½ x 5 inch photos), and place in the appropriate blank spaces throughout the book;


  • Or to simply print on photo grade paper as a jpeg image, and paste;


  • These 30 master-copies are then used by your students to collect orders and payments for more blank storybooks, which are shipped to you and filled with the same printed image stickers from your computer;


  • The 30 master-copies are also sold (most likely to the student’s own family).



If you choose to sell your books for $25 per book (plus shipping costs), approximately 70% of those funds can be donated directly to the school. (In comparison to other products that donate 40% or less and are perhaps more difficult to sell than a personalized storybook for students within the school)


Additionally: The entire process can be implemented as a learning experience in which each student learns the value of team-work, contributing to a group cause, and also learns the underlying messages of the storybook, which include:


  • Conflict resolution;

  • Communication skills;

  • And, having the confidence to speak up for one’s self.


At the above sales price, your school will receive $17 for each book sold:


  • If each student in participating classrooms is able to sell an average of 3 storybooks each (including the 1 storybook sent in the original order),

  • And, each classroom has an average of 25 students per class,

  • You will have an ending profit of $1,275 as funds raised per classroom,

  • PLUS the added benefit of a fun, imaginative, creative experience for your students.


As an example, if you have a class trip and know the amount of funds you need to raise, you could promote that in your efforts:


  • Ms. Jones’s Class Trip: $2,500 needed to be raised.

  • Ms. Jones’s Class Storybook sales price: $25 per storybook.

  • Total storybooks to sell: 147 storybooks x $17 profit per storybook = $2,500.

  • Entire Class Trip Paid For.


Along with being a wonderful classroom exercise in collaboration, creativity, and contribution, the storybooks themselves carry positive messages.


This creates an experience in which students collaborate, create, and contribute to their own personal work of art.


The entire process can be implemented as a learning experience in which each student learns the value of team-work, contributes to a group cause, and learns the underlying messages of the storybooks, which include:


  • Conflict resolution;

  • Communication skills; and,

  • Having the confidence to speak up for one’s self.


I look forward to working with you, learning from you, and supporting your needed efforts as you guide our children. A humble, loving parent,


Robert Kyle Buckley

(Teacher, Social Sciences, 6 - 12)


(*I can provide 30 sample storybooks for you to use in your classroom if being used as a collaborative fundraising activity. These 30 sample books will be used by your students to collect orders, and also sold as part of your fundraising campaign.)




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Tabula Rasa © storybooks 2020

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